Saturday, June 30, 2012

Subway in Stockholm・ストックホルムの地下鉄

Stockholm is the largest city in Scandinavia with 850,000 inhabitants (2 million in the metropolitan area). The city consists of several islands and lakes. It is urban but at the same time close to nature; in other words, it sure looks like a nice place to live. Pretty reliable public transportation, which is rare to find globally speaking, covers the entire city well, and so it is easy to walk around and explore.


It is expensive, though. The subway fare starts from $5-6! Scandinavia is expensive; the reputation is correct. “It is a downside of living in Stockholm.” I said, and a friend of mine who lives there replied that there are super discounted passes for residents of the city. Ah, that makes sense.

But it is worthy of going underground for another reason: art. Some lines made each station into artistic canvas, and I hopped on and off the vehicle at several stops. I did not fully get the concepts of some of the installments, but some others made me want to use them as everyday hub.

I was particularly impressed by this one. The wall is covered with all sorts of colors in bright pastel tones. There are maps and timeline figures, on histories of world civilizations in parallel.  

And the events are marked in different colors, depending on the cultural regions! So neatly done. It does tickle soft spots of history and geography lovers!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Lithops are also called living rocks (because they just look like pebbles!). They are succulents of the ice plant family (not cactus). What you see of them are basically two leaves. A new pair of leaves emerge in spring, but the old ones quickly dry out. They live naturally in Southern Africa, and their unique appearance is a clever tactic to trick animals looking for something juicy in the dry land. But interestingly, they make a very showy flower that screams out for attention!


The pattern on the surface is not just decoration. The top surface of lithops has ‘windows’ to let light come inside for better photosynthesis. If you have a chance, slice out the top and see it from beneath. Although I myself don’t have the heart to sacrifice one out of only two leaves they have…!


Photos are from・写真は、www.lithops.infoより。

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Apple's Siri commercials・Apple SiriのCM

Apple’s Siri commercials are stirring the viewers! Siri is an iPhone application that basically acts as your digital personal assistant. It sure is convenient, but many apparently feel a bit uncomfortable about talking to a computer. I like those ads featuring famous actors very much; I think they are well done. But some are upset by how the lonely lives of celebrities who have only a cell phone to have conversation with (see this NPR report, for example). But hey, they are only acting... In any case, isn’t it great to be able to enjoy being alone like this time to time?


Friday, June 8, 2012

Plant cupcake・めばえのカップケーキ

These cupcakes made me smile! Chocolate cupcakes topped with sugar sculptures shaped like plant seedlings. You can put them into terracotta pots for even better effects. The cupcake toppers are handmade by Mimi Cafe Union from Larchmont, NY, and can be shipped everywhere in the world. If you would like to order them, please go to this Etsy page.

これはかわいい!チョコレート味のカップケーキに、植物の芽生えの形をした砂糖菓子が生えてます。テラコッタの植木鉢にいれたらぴったりです。芽生えのカップケーキ・デコレーションは、アメリカはニューヨーク州のMimiCafe Unionというお店が手作りで販売していて、世界中から注文を受け付けています。くわしくは、こちらのページにて。

Photos courtesy of Mimi Cafe Union・写真はMimi Cafe Unionのページより 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Elements of Style・素敵な英語作文の教本

Do you know "The Elements of Style" by W. Strunk and E.B. White? It is a classic rule book on how to (or how not to) write in English. E.B. White is a well known writer, who wrote works like "Charlotte's Web." He made this rather thin, condensed book with his former writing teacher. It is straight to the point, following the most important rule of the book: you should use as few words as necessary to convey your message.

”The Elements of Style(スタイルの要素)”、という本をご存知ですか?スタイル、といっても、ファッションについて綴ってあるわけではありません。これ、かなり古典的な、英作文のルールを記した本なのです。(英文の書き方の事を、’スタイル’ と呼ぶ事もあるのです。)作者の一人、E.B. White は、”シャーロットのおくりもの” などを書いた作家です。彼が自分の大学時の英作文の先生と一緒に、最も大切な英作文のルールを書き記したのがこの薄っぺらい本です。一番大切なルールは、「出来るだけ少ない語数で、伝えるべきことを記す事」。それにのっとり、彼らの文はストレートかつ簡潔です。

You can find this book here.


It is a classic book (published first in 1918), and today many disagree with some of the rules mentioned in this book. But the conciseness rule still holds pretty well. I always try to meet that requirement when I write in English. Well, I do try, you know...


I particularly like the version accompanied by the illustrations by Maira Kalman. She is an amazing illustrator, whom I will surely introduce in future post (but if you are interested, please check out her website!). The book became much more whimsical and humorous with her lovely and colorful paintings.

個人的には、数年前に発売されたイラストレーション付きが、お勧めです。素敵な イラストレーター Maira Kalman さんが、カラフルでかわいらしいイラストを、いろいろな例文にそって本中に散りばめてくれました。彼女については、そのうちにポストを書くつもりなのですが、興味かあったらサイトをお訪ねください。彼女の参加によって、この本が堅苦しさをなくしてユーモラスになったような気がします。

Photos courtesy of・写真はmairakalman.comより

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Birth of a Book・本ができるまで

Telegraph made this wonderful video of how a book is made. They followed a book's development at a traditional bookbinding company Smith Settle near Leeds, UK.

英国紙テレグラフが、こんなすてきな動画をつくりました。リーズ近郊にある手作業の製本会社 Smith Settleで、ひとつの本ができる過程をみせてくれます。

For more information, go to the page on Telegraph site.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Harold 'Doc' Edgerton・ハロルド エドガートン

Harold Edgerton (1903-1990) is an electronic engineer at MIT by occupation, but he is also a renowned photographer. He took static images of dynamic everyday subjects with stroboscope, which was being used in his lab to caputure fast movements of mechanical objects. For example, the shapes liquids make (e.g. the milk crown) or the instanteneous effects of passing bullets. His pictures resonate in our mind because of the reasons more than the curious subjects themselves - the organic charm found in things that are hard to capture and fade away easily, as well as the fresh feeling of seeing new sides of familiar faces.

写真家 Harold Edgerton (1903-1990) の本業は電気工学者(マサチューセッツ工科大学ことMITで教えてました)です。実験室で機械の動きなどを観るために使われていたストロボスコープを日常生活の物体に向けて 瞬間写真を撮りました。液体のとる形や(例えばミルクが落ちてできた王冠)、弾丸が何かを突き抜ける瞬間。題材の面白さもあるけれど、見慣れたものの新しい側面を見る新鮮さや、つかみにくい、はかなかったり一瞬で消えてしまうものにある、有機質な魅力に溢れている作品が多いです。

For more information about Edgerton, please visit the website for the Edgerton Digital Collection project or the MIT Museum in Boston, USA. (Photos courtesy of Edgerton Didital Collection.)

もっとエドガートンのことが知りたい方は、是非アメリカはボストンにあるMITミュージアムか、エドガートン・デジタル・コレクション・プロジェクトのサイトへ。 (写真はエドガートン・デジタル・コレクションより)


Welcome to Curious Mind's blog ’Hum!.’ It is a record of all things that made us say 'Hum!' Hope they do the same to you!

Curious Mind のブログ、Hum! へようこそ! 「わあ」、「へえ」、「なるほど」、「ふふ」、と言わせたいろいろなものを書きとめていきます。 皆さんにも同じように感じていただけたらうれしいです。